
Erika Marušić
Global business dynamics heavily rely on the meeting, incentives, congresses, conventions, events, and exhibits (MICE) market (Boncato, 2022). The industry’s evolution, moved by elements such as technology and sustainability, has expanded customer options (Dmc, 2023). Known for its cutting – edge amenities and rich historical legacy (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2022), Dubrovnik has become a top MICE destination with a variety of lodging choices in a prime location (Dubrovnik...
Mario Prizmić
Foreign languages are one of the most powerful tools in the business world today. Sorin (2011) also stated the University of Bologna sees the importance of learning foreign languages and that it is very beneficial for students. English is the most outspread language and it is considered as almost native language for many nations, but is English enough? The purpose of this research was to see what are the student’s attitudes towards learning English when comparing to other foreign...
Impact of Feedback on Intrinsic Motivation and Persistence in Generation Z
Impact of Feedback on Intrinsic Motivation and Persistence in Generation Z
Nina Raguž
Generation Z is the biggest upcoming workforce in the business world. Yet, their characteristic, attributes and work style preferences are still not researched enough. The aim of this paper is to investigate further the relationship between performance feedback and generation Z’s internal motivation. The impact of different types of feedback was observed through an experiment, based on the Al Hirschfeld hidden-word drawings. Experiment was divided into three feedback type groups: positive,...
Impact of Macro and Micro factors on Tourists Intention in Post-Covid-19 era
 Comparison of Chinese tourists and Croatian tourists
Impact of Macro and Micro factors on Tourists Intention in Post-Covid-19 era Comparison of Chinese tourists and Croatian tourists
ZiHang Xu
The purpose of this study is to identify the main macro and micro factors in influencing travel intentions of tourists and to determine which factors have a significant impact on tourists' intentions in the post-COVID-19 era. The methodology of this study was based on a questionnaire survey, and a total of 207 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were performed on the collected data. The results indicate that ...
Impact of Restaurant Online Ordering on 
 Customer Service Quality
Impact of Restaurant Online Ordering on Customer Service Quality
Ivana Car
Covid-19 created a major shift in customer demand for the restaurant industry. One of the leading trends that increased drastically during the pandemic is online ordering, which required restaurants to adapt to online ordering services and acknowledge the value they need to transfer digitally to keep service quality and customer satisfaction in accordance with standards. This research was based on examining the impact of online ordering services in Dubrovnik’s restaurants on...
Impact of uniforms on emotional labor strategies
Impact of uniforms on emotional labor strategies
Roko Marunica
Emotional labor refers to the process of regulating one's emotions and expressions to fit the organizational requirements and employees regulate their emotions via two different acting strategies, deep-acting, and surface-acting. The following study focused on examining the role of the uniform and dress code in the employee's emotional labor capabilities, and whether there is a connection between uniform attributes and emotional labor outcomes. For the data collection, an...
Importance of Learning: Hospitality HR Managers' Viewpoint
Importance of Learning: Hospitality HR Managers' Viewpoint
Klara Zeba
Many studies have proven how important and beneficial training and development is for managers because it improves their relationship with employees, and it could potentially lead to better performance of the company. This paper investigated training and development programs offered to managers in 4- and 5-star hotels in Dubrovnik and factors that influence their success in the hospitality industry. Five hotel companies participated in the questionnaire which measured their satisfaction...
Influence of Internships on the motivation of hospitality students to continue career paths 
 within the Hospitality Industry
Influence of Internships on the motivation of hospitality students to continue career paths within the Hospitality Industry
Tetiana Kulbaka
In the recent years the hospitality industry has experienced quite a lot of challenges that added up to its notorious reputation that is built upon culture of overwork, low salaries and difficulties associated with career enhancements. Thus it does not come as a surprise that a lot of workers are deciding to disengage from the industry in question, and if the negative trend continues to evolve simply there will be no employees to drive the industry. Therefore it is important to solve...
Influence of smartphones on face to face social interaction
Influence of smartphones on face to face social interaction
Lovro Kolanović
Smartphones have become an irreplaceable tool in modern society. Although they assist us in many ways, the latest research shows that there are many negative effects of using them that we are not even aware of. This paper explores the impact smartphones have had on one of the common ways of socializing. The observation was set in two coffee bars in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Research shows that most people resort to smartphone use when in a coffee bar with others. Having the phone on the table...
Influencing Travel Decisions: Impact of Micro-Influencers on Gen-Z in Croatia
Influencing Travel Decisions: Impact of Micro-Influencers on Gen-Z in Croatia
Anamaria Živković
With the rise of social media impact, various types of influencers started to do their job. Micro-influencers as the most reliable ones influence Generation-Z the most. Since the social media impact is still in the state of growth in Croatia, Generation-Z was analyzed with the purpose of the effectiveness of micro-influencers on them. Because of that, the questionnaire was distributed among 103 students considered as a Generation Z. Students were from Croatia region, from 18 to 23 years old....
Insta-Engage: Exploring Social Media Tactics for Luxury Hotels in Croatia
Insta-Engage: Exploring Social Media Tactics for Luxury Hotels in Croatia
Jelena Muštra
This research explores the dynamics of social media marketing (SMM) strategies within the luxury hospitality industry in Croatia, with a focus on two distinct hotel chains, termed "Hotel Chain 1" and "Hotel Chain 2". It dives into the significance of social media and influencer marketing in modern marketing practices, particularly within luxury hotels industry. By using a methodology centered on the observation of official Instagram accounts, both qualitative and quantitative data were...
Intangible aspects of tourism in Istria: Event and
 Festival Destinations Assessed by the ―Millennials‖
Intangible aspects of tourism in Istria: Event and Festival Destinations Assessed by the ―Millennials‖
Lorenzo Bercan
In the last years, events and festivals have been having more and more influence when it comes to the tourism development of Istria. Growth in interest of events and festival destinations can be explained by an adaptation to trends and the demands of Millennia’s. Since there is a lack of research done on the intangible aspects of tourism in Istria, this paper is focused on Millennials’ expectations and motivations to attend tourist events and festivals. By focusing on the ...
